Toronto DELTA Policies
Full refunds
25. (1) EC shall refund all of the fees paid by a student under a contract for the provision of a vocational program in the following circumstances:
- The contract is rescinded by a person within one business day of receiving a copy of the contract.
- EC discontinues the Delta in-service program before the student completes the program, subject to subsection (2).
- EC expels the student from the college in a manner or for reasons that are contrary to the school’s expulsion policy.
- EC employs an instructor who is not qualified to teach all or part of the program under University of Cambridge ESOL guidelines.
(2) A full refund is not payable in the circumstances described in paragraph 2 of subsection (1) if the discontinuance of the Delta program coincides with the EC ceasing to operate.
(3) A refund is not payable under paragraphs 1 to 4 of subsection (1) unless the student gives EC a written demand for the refund.
(4) A refund under subsection (1) is payable by the EC within 30 days of the day the student delivers to the school the written demand for the refund.
Partial refund where student does not commence program
26. (1) If a student is admitted to EC Delta program, pays fees to the school in respect of the program and subsequently does not commence the program, the school shall refund part of the fees paid by the student in the following circumstances:
- The student gives the college notice that he or she is withdrawing from the program ten business days or fewer before the day the selected Delta program commences.
- In the case of a student who is admitted to a Delta program at EC on the condition that the student meet specified admission requirements before the day the program commences, the student fails to meet the requirements before that day.
- The student does not attend the program during the first 5 business days that follow the day the program commenced and the school chooses to give written notice to the student that it is cancelling the contract.
(2) The amount of a refund under subsection (1) shall be an amount that is equal to the full amount paid by the student for the Delta program, less an amount equal to 10 per cent of the full amount of the fee.
(3) A refund under subsection (1) is payable,
- in the case of a refund under paragraph 1 of subsection (1), within 30 days of the day the student gives notice of withdrawing from the program;
- in the case of a refund under paragraph 2 of subsection (1), within 30 days of the day the Delta program commences; and
- in the case of a refund under paragraph 3 of subsection (1), within 45 days of the day the Delta program commences.
Partial refunds: withdrawals and expulsions after program commenced
27. (1) EC shall give a student who commences a Delta program a refund of part of the fees paid in respect of the program if, at a time during the program determined under subsection (3),
- the student withdraws from the program after the program has commenced; or
- the student is expelled from the program in circumstances where the expulsion is permitted under EC's expulsion policy.
(2) EC shall pay a partial refund under this section only if the withdrawal or expulsion from the Delta program occurs at a time during the program determined in accordance with the following rule:
- the withdrawal or expulsion occurs during the first two weeks of the program.
(3) If the student withdraws or is expelled from the course within the first two-week period as referred to in subsection (2), the amount of the refund that the private career college shall pay the student shall be equal to the full amount of the fees paid in respect of the program less,
- an amount that is equal to 10 per cent of the full amount of the fees in respect of the program; and
- the portion of the fees in respect of the portion of the period that had elapsed at the time of the withdrawal or expulsion.
(4) If the student withdraws or is expelled from the program during the period beyond the initial two weeks referred to in subsection (2), EC is not required to pay the student any refund in respect of that period.
Treatment of books and equipment
28. In calculating a refund under sections 25 to 27, EC may retain the retail cost of books or equipment that the school supplied to the student if the student,
- (a) fails to return the books or equipment to EC within 5 days of the student’s withdrawal or expulsion from the program, or
- (b) returns the books or equipment to EC within the 5-day period referred to clause (a), but fails to return it unopened or in the same state it was in when supplied.
Refund for international students
29. A notice to EC that is provided by or on behalf of an international student or of a prospective international student and that states that the student has not been issued a temporary resident visa as a member of the student class under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) is deemed to be,
- notice of a rescission of the contract for the purposes of the Act if the notice is given within two days of receiving a copy of the contract; and
- notice that the student is withdrawing from the program for the purposes of paragraph 1 of subsection 26 (1)
30. Any refund of fees that EC is required to pay under this contract shall be paid in Canadian or U.S. dollars.
EC's Commitment to Equal Treatment
Cambridge English Language Teaching and Delta are based on the principle of open and equal opportunity for all, irrespective of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, creed, colour, race, ethnic origin, age or disability.
If any of our students feels an issue of inequality is present, they are to raise the issue with any member of the Delta training staff or Centre Administrator. Outlined below are measures to ensure the equality and safety of those taking part in any program at EC.
Acts of Misconduct in Contradiction to Equal Treatment and Safety
The consequences for any acts of misconduct are as follows:
- Formal written reprimand – if a student receives three (3) said reprimands, this is cause for expulsion.
- In some incidences, when the act of misconduct is severe, dismissal from the college may follow the first occurrence.
- Any acts of misconduct that fall under the Criminal Codes will be duly reported to the local authorities.
- Unprofessional, unethical or immoral behaviour
- Possession / use of illicit drugs/alcohol during class/clinical lab time
- Conduct that may cause physical/emotional harm to student(s) or staff
- Use of profanity, racial discrimination or gender harassment
- Failure to follow outlined safety guidelines
- In the event that a student is expelled from the school due to any of the reasons outlined above, the student will be notified in writing through registered mail. The letter will outline the effective date of and reasons for the expulsion. It is the student’s sole responsibility to ensure the school has the correct contact and mailing information for the student.