Nuestros métodos de enseñanza
Nuestros profesores te guían
Nuestros métodos de enseñanza han sido desarrollados para obtener los mejores resultados
Nos apoyamos en más de 30 años de experiencia para crear un marco de trabajo atractivo e interesante que da los resultados que buscan nuestros alumnos. Nuestros métodos están basados en el compromiso, la comunicación y programaciones didácticas adaptadas a las necesidades de cada estudiante.
Teaching Standards
We always maintain the highest teaching standards, working with students in small groups, pairs or individually to provide the kind of intensive, individualised teaching which guarantees the best results.
Classroom Environment
Our teachers always ensure that the atmosphere in the classroom is ideally suited to students producing their best work. This means creating an environment which is relaxed, welcoming and, above all, fun.
Great Nationality Mix
The wide range of nationalities you’ll be sharing your classes with makes it far more likely that you’ll speak English instead of your own language. Chatting to classmates becomes part of your language development, and by the time you leave you’ll have made friends from around the world.
Friendly Atmosphere
Our lessons are designed to be as much fun as possible. That’s because we realise that you’re more likely to learn in a relaxed and friendly environment. You’ll also feel confident enough to use as much spoken English as possible.
Course Certificate
On your last day in school you’ll be presented with an EC Certificate of Study. This is proof that you’ve completed an English course with us, and will help to open doors as you begin the next stage of your journey.
Reach Your Goals
Our unique EC Promise guarantees that we’ll do whatever it takes to help you achieve your goals. Whatever targets you set yourself, we’ll match your hard work and dedication with the support, facilities and environment needed to fulfill your potential.
El compromiso de EC y lo que significa para ti
En EC, nuestro objetivo es muy sencillo: queremos ayudarte a alcanzar el nivel de inglés que te propongas. Para ello, ponemos a tu disposición el plan de estudios, el entorno de aprendizaje y el programa de actividades socioculturales que necesitas para desarrollar todo tu potencial.
El compromiso de EC significa que, siempre que te responsabilices de seguir el plan de aprendizaje personalizado, tu nivel de inglés mejorará.
Mas información
¿No sabes qué curso de inglés es para ti?
EC ofrece un amplio abanico de cursos que te ayudan a conseguir tus objetivos. Déjanos ayudarte a encontrar el curso idóneo para ti.
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